Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Biggest Panda In the World

Pandas are very endangered. Pandas only live in China and they are very cute.  Pandas are endangered because people are cutting down their home.  There's only a few places to call home now for pandas in the wild. People try and breed pandas so there will be more.  This is going on in the USA, China, Germany and many other places. Pandas are more related to bears than they are related to raccoons.  Pandas are different from bears because they mostly eat plants. When pandas are young they are about the size of a stick of butter and they are pink. When they are about 2 months old they get white and black fur and very adorable.  And when they are an adult they get very big.  About the size of a drawer. Small pandas haven't fully grown their bones so when they fall out of big trees they don't really get hurt.  Pandas can live up to about 20 years in the wild but in zoos they can live up to about 30 years.
panda cub
new born panda

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Kangaroo - High High High

A kangaroo is a marsupial. A marsupial is a mammal is a mammal that is mainly found in Australia. They keep their babies in a pouch. A kangaroo can jump up to six-feet high. Kangaroos can be nice or mean if you get too close to their joeys (babies) If you get too close a kangaroo will probably punch you or kick you. Kangaroos have a strong kick that can kill you.Kangaroos are related to wallabies because they look the same, they jump and they kick and punch. Kangaroos can be hated for their skin and meat. But they can dodge a bullet because they are so fast. They probably can see where the bullet came from and come and kick you.