Friday, October 30, 2015


IGN is a gaming everything site it rates game does walkthrews and does chats.IGN.COM

Thursday, October 29, 2015

fallout 4

the new game coming out 5th in the series adding gun customization  our own power armor also you  have a dog.
fallout 4 cover
fallout 4

Sunday, September 27, 2015


psych that was not my last post this is my last post assassins creed syndicate the new assassins creed game coming out october 23 2015 get it you access the memories  of jacob frie and evie frie  in victorian london 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

far cry 4

a first person shooter were you fight against solders  from evil ruler pagan min this game includes riding elephants witch is awesome because you will need it
I'm done with my animal blog its now for video games

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


dogs can come big and small. some dogs are bread to hunt, other dogs just like to cuddle.dogs can be scary when you meet them, but they are so sweet. Dogs can be very playful but they are a lot of work, they need to be fed, walked, and they have to have lots of attention.  If you leave another animal with a big hyperactive dog, if the other animal is a lot smaller, the dog will probably eat it if it's hungry. Dogs can be big and tough but you have to show them you are the leader of the pack.

Image result for domestic dogs

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Hippos live in Africa.  Hippos eat plants - they are herbivores.  Hippos are HUGE!  They have giant tusks that could kill a lion.  A hippos only predator is a Nile crocodile.  They both live in rivers and they both rule the river.either one could kill each

Monday, March 23, 2015

angler fish:deep sea danger

agler fish live in the deep sea the midnight zone.the light on it's head gets the fish to come to the angler fish.they have HUGE teeth.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Biggest Panda In the World

Pandas are very endangered. Pandas only live in China and they are very cute.  Pandas are endangered because people are cutting down their home.  There's only a few places to call home now for pandas in the wild. People try and breed pandas so there will be more.  This is going on in the USA, China, Germany and many other places. Pandas are more related to bears than they are related to raccoons.  Pandas are different from bears because they mostly eat plants. When pandas are young they are about the size of a stick of butter and they are pink. When they are about 2 months old they get white and black fur and very adorable.  And when they are an adult they get very big.  About the size of a drawer. Small pandas haven't fully grown their bones so when they fall out of big trees they don't really get hurt.  Pandas can live up to about 20 years in the wild but in zoos they can live up to about 30 years.
panda cub
new born panda

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Kangaroo - High High High

A kangaroo is a marsupial. A marsupial is a mammal is a mammal that is mainly found in Australia. They keep their babies in a pouch. A kangaroo can jump up to six-feet high. Kangaroos can be nice or mean if you get too close to their joeys (babies) If you get too close a kangaroo will probably punch you or kick you. Kangaroos have a strong kick that can kill you.Kangaroos are related to wallabies because they look the same, they jump and they kick and punch. Kangaroos can be hated for their skin and meat. But they can dodge a bullet because they are so fast. They probably can see where the bullet came from and come and kick you.

Friday, January 30, 2015

brown bear

a brown bears don't have to be brown.brown bears dig up berrys and fruit.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

about me

Im conner hall im 7 years old. I wrote this blog because I love animals and my first blog post was Tigers.  And my favorite one would be Crocodile Hunting. Every year at least I see 12 animals.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Cheetah's Good Gazelle Meat

The cheetah sees a lonely gazelle.  It stalks it for almost an hour.  Then it jumps. The gazelle starts to run. The cheetah lands and goes as fast as it can.  It goes so fast it looks like he is hovering over the ground.  When he runs, his run legs go between his back legs and that happens over and over again to keep them running fast.  Once he gets close enough, he jumps on the gazelle and uses his weight to get it on the ground and then he bites it in the neck.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Mad Emu

A dingo accidentally steps on an emu egg. Four emus come at the dingo. The dingo runs back to its pack. The pack of dingoes run at the emu. There are five dingoes.  One emu is killed by a dingo and a dingo was killed by an emu. And finally the dingoes won. And the eggs were theirs!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Crocodile Hunting

The crocodile stalks its prey in the water.  It watches it like a hawk. A crocodile is looking at a wildebeest.  It's waiting for it to drink in the water and now it's starting to drink. The crocodile swims towards it and jumps up and bites on the head.  It pulls it into the water and drowns it.  Then it feeds.  The crocodile will not need another meal for at least a day.  The wildebeest could last for a week.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Arctic Fox Hunting for Food?

The Arctic Fox looks at its prey - a goose, a baby goose.  It hides so they won't see.  It takes one step more and it stops.  It takes another step and it stops. Then as quick as it can go, it runs at a baby goose.  It takes as many as it can and then quickly runs away before the mother and father get mad.  He stores them for winter.  The winter can get harsh in the arctic and plus the predators can also get harsh.

the fox did not catch a baby but he will get the mom

Monday, January 5, 2015

the cheetah

the cheetah is the fastest land mammal on earth it can run up to 70 miles per hour.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

seal feeding at the prospect park zoo

today i saw zookeepers     feed the seals it was cool the seals do tricks and then they give the seals fish

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Fox Fun

Foxes are small predators, but they can attack a chicken like it's no one's business. But when the farmer finds out about that, he gets mad. That's why foxes are fast. Foxes live in dens.  A den is a small hole underground.  They tunnel under the ground and they store their food.  Foxes can also, if they're speedy enough, maybe get a baby deer.  And maybe they could get a small pig.

Hyenas:The Small Predator

Hyenas live in Africa. Hyenas can be ugly, but they are smart. Hyenas will kills small things like rabbits and maybe even gazelles, but they do not attack something larger than a gorilla, or a gorilla. You would probably see a spotted hyena if you took a trip to Africa,   Hyenas would also eat foxes, birds and fish.  They hunt in packs and they will do anything to protect their cubs.